Key Inventory Systems Support Gaming Compliance

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Key Inventory Systems Support Gaming Compliance

One of the most regulated areas of any gaming facility’s physical security is the management and control of physical keys, which are used for access to all the most sensitive and highly secured areas of the casino, including counting rooms and drop boxes. By maintaining tight control of keys with sophisticated key inventory systems, casinos, poker rooms and other gaming operations can better comply with the various regulations and minimize incidents of loss and fraud.

Following are a few examples of how the advanced technology found in automated key inventory systems achieves these objectives.

Automated – All access activity is automatically recorded including date, time, table game number, reason for access and signature or electronic signature. Only authorized users can access keys for which they have been pre-programmed to use. Authorization codes can be changed remotely and all changes are automatically implemented downstream.

Programmable – The system is programmable to accommodate a variety of procedures, such as accessing drop boxes outside of scheduled hours or the three-man rule for access to highly sensitive keys.

Reporting – The key inventory system can provide on-demand reports can trace key movements by time, date and user code, as well as audit reports that track keys in use, overdue keys and inconsistent key usage. An open architecture structure enables compatibility with third-party software for generating reports such as key inventory and replacement (e.g., for broken or damaged keys) records or incident reporting.

Monitoring – At any time, operators can view the status of any key, quickly locate any key in the system or determine who has taken out a given key and when. When keys are overdue, alerts are sent to the appropriate personnel via email or SMS text so that immediate action may be taken. Activity may also be monitored via mobile devices.

As evidenced by their widespread use, automated key inventory systems deliver a reliable and secure solution for meeting gaming regulations.

Interested in how key control systems can benefit your gaming establishment? Contact one of our experts for more information today.

Tim Purpura
Tim Purpura
VP Global Sales & Marketing

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