Threat Assessment and Prevention for Healthcare

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Threat Assessment and Prevention for Healthcare

Today’s healthcare organizations are taking a risk-based approach when planning security strategies for protecting patients, staff, visitors and data. By looking at industry challenges, and analyzing their own information, each individual facility can identify priorities in assessing threats and determining best practices for maintaining a safe and secure environment.

3 Unusual Applications for Key Control

The primary use for key management is right in its name – most applications use it to control and manage their physical keys. By protecting keys, organizations are helping to control access to areas that utilize physical locks.

How Key Management Systems Help Mitigate Healthcare Risks for Sports Teams

The fast-paced, full-contact world of sports pushes the human body to its limits as athletes become ever stronger, jump higher, and run faster to compete at the top levels of myriad sporting disciplines. And as we push the human body in pursuit of sporting greatness, we also open ourselves to the possibility of injury. The healthcare industry and sporting associations have long worked together to treat injuries as they happen, understand why the injury occurred, and work to prevent future harm.

Key Control Solutions Meet Universal Security Objectives

In Japan, it is customary to remove one’s shoes when entering a home, temple or shrine. Italians usually only drink cappuccino in the mornings. Don’t expect to go shopping on Sundays in Vienna because all the stores are closed. In Costa Rica, one is not expected to tip the wait staff as a service charge is already included in the bill.

Health Care Key Control

Access control systems for health care facilities can be designed in a number of ways and often include solutions such as card access systems (proximity or swipe styles), locks and keys, and even security guards. Along with these measures, one of the most frequently implemented and effective security solutions is an automated key control system with tracking capability.

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