Enhancing Property and Asset Management with Electronic Key Management Systems

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Enhancing Property and Asset Management with Electronic Key Management Systems

Real estate ownership and investment is considered a primary component of any portfolio. The term real estate covers a wide range of properties including office buildings, schools, malls, condos/apartment complexes, hotels, manufacturing facilities, sports venues, gas stations and so on. Regardless of the size or type however, the one element they all have in common is the requirement for asset and property management.

The ultimate objective of property and asset management is to preserve the value of the asset. Successful property management can increase the value of properties through 24-hour security, proper maintenance, and inspections of the building and land.

Electronic key management systems are a technology proven to improve security, help keep costs to a minimum and maintain the value of the property. For property management, these systems are a convenient and cost effective security tool that can be easily implemented in a variety of property types. Tightened access to keys – covering duplicate unit keys used by management for maintenance, pest control and lockouts, as well as keys for vehicles, equipment sheds, management office and other property assets – can help management better maintain the integrity of overall property security.

An electronic key management system is designed to ensure that keys are properly managed with respect to access, storage and tracking. The automated key cabinets release assigned keys only to users with the proper authorization (such as by fingerprint identification, password/numerical code or card reader), and are resistant to tampering.

The key management systems are easily programmed to include time and date restrictions to ensure system integrity. For instance, an employee who is scheduled to be working in the building during weekday hours cannot access a key on the weekend when not on the schedule. The system also makes tracking easy by keeping a record of the activity recorded, providing management with the information to know who took which key and when. The key system can also be integrated with the property’s video surveillance or access control system for a more powerful solution.

Automatic tracking assures accountability as well as the ability to generate customized reports, which can include information on historical key use, user activity and more. Reports can automatically be emailed to the owner or the management company.

Today’s advanced key management systems can play a vital role in property management operations and help ensure a safe and secure facility as well as property value.

For more information on how key management solutions can play a role in your business, contact one of our experts today.

Tim Purpura
Tim Purpura
VP Global Sales & Marketing

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