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Key Control and Crime Prevention

Where security is concerned, there are no absolute safeguards. However, there are proven crime prevention techniques that can help improve the physical security and safeguarding of a facility or other valuable assets. The most common of these techniques is the implementation of a mechanical lock and key system, supported by a key control management system.

Locks and keys are the most widely (and sometimes only) used security devices and can be found on anything to which access must be controlled, such as vehicles, storage containers, doors, gates, windows and so on. And because the security of a property or facility relies so heavily upon locking devices, a sound key management system is essential to an effective security program.

Key control – or the lack of it – can mean the difference between a relatively secure facility and one where the potential for extraordinary loss is magnified.

Controlling and tracking who has which keys to which locks, and knowing when they had them and when they were returned, are vitally important issues. Failure to maintain this kind of control can result in opportunities for key mismanagement which can lead to mild annoyances such as the replacement and cost for lost keys, or to more serious losses, such as theft or personal injury.

A good key control system, including key security, key control and key management, will maintain a strict accountability for keys. Look for a key control and management solution that’s modular, scalable and designed to interoperate with access control and other systems. Whether it’s a corporate headquarters, a restaurant, a store, an auto repair shop, or a person’s home, effective key control measures can make the workplace safer for everyone.

What's next? Now you can see how a key tracking system can support crime prevention practices. Learn more about key control systems by filling out a quick contact form or using our key locker configurator tool.
Tim Purpura
Tim Purpura
VP Global Sales & Marketing

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