Key Control Solutions Provide Enhanced Safety and Efficiency for College Campuses and Universities

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Key Control Solutions Provide Enhanced Safety and Efficiency for College Campuses and Universities

The fall school season, which is now fully underway, has been made a little easier for those college campuses that implemented a key control system over the previous summer months. The systems allow the staff to maintain better control of master keys and any keys used for high value areas such as research labs, athletic facilities or IT environments. There is even more value for the school in the form of enhanced security and safety when key control solutions are applied to residential life, maintenance and other applications across the campus.

Of the many advantages provided by a key control system, two are particularly significant to college campuses: first, the system does not require continuous manual oversight, and second, administration is notified immediately if a key is not returned within the programmed parameters or is returned in a damaged state.

Key control systems automatically record the access history of each key, including user, date and time of key access/return. The system releases assigned keys only to users with the proper authorization code (either fingerprint identification or numerical code), and cannot be manipulated or easily tampered with. The illuminated key slots make accessing and returning keys easier and the system readily accommodates both hard keys and plastic key cards. When keys are not returned when scheduled, e-mail alerts can be sent to administrators to allow quicker action.

In addition to tracking key usage by campus security or maintenance staff, key control systems are also ideal for enabling and tracking temporary key use by occasional or frequently changing users such as dorm resident assistants or even members of various athletic teams. System operators can easily add or delete names from the system through the network as well as input any access restrictions or controls that are deemed necessary. And in the event of an incident, administration can quickly determine who currently has which keys out and for what area and when they are scheduled to be returned; or who has had keys out, for what areas and at what times.

Across the country, key control solutions are helping to maintain safer and more secure college campuses.

What's next? You can see why how robust key tracking systems can help protect research labs and other high-value locations on university campuses. Learn more about key control solutions by filling out a quick contact form or using our key cabinet configurator tool.
Tim Purpura
Tim Purpura
VP Global Sales & Marketing

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