Building a Better Construction Site with Key Control Systems

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Building a Better Construction Site with Key Control Systems

The theft of copper from construction sites, along with other metals, tools and equipment, is fast becoming a nationwide epidemic. This has prompted contractors to re-evaluate their security measures and, in many cases, to implement measures that will provide more protection and security.

Key Control Systems Fit the Needs of Today’s Religious Centers

Throughout history, churches, synagogues, mosques and other religious buildings have been pivotal anchors in the community. Along with their primary use as a place of worship, they have also served as places of refuge, schools or community centers to name a few. In order to accommodate these and other needs of today’s society, religious centers have adapted their buildings to be more user friendly while maintaining a high level of safety and security for the occupants and facilities.

Key Control and Crime Prevention

Where security is concerned, there are no absolute safeguards. However, there are proven crime prevention techniques that can help improve the physical security and safeguarding of a facility or other valuable assets. The most common of these techniques is the implementation of a mechanical lock and key system, supported by a key control management system.

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