Key Control Systems Offer Whole Problem Solution for SMBs

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Key Control Systems Offer Whole Problem Solution for SMBs

The reality of doing business today presents many challenges to the SMB owner/manager. A globalized economy affects competition and can impact profitability and growth; high speed digital connectivity has affected all segments of the operation from inventory to marketing to customer service; additionally, there is an increased focus on optimizing employee productivity and morale. More complex environments have also created a greater need for comprehensive security to safeguard and protect the company, its people and information. All these are just a few of the key issues that a small and medium business owner must face.

Before implementing an action or initiative to improve a specific situation, it is important to take into account the complexity of the whole problem. In improving security, for example, to control the use and storage of facility keys a key safe might be purchased from an office supply retailer. However, this solution may solve the immediate problem of keeping facility keys stored in one place but it offers no additional or long-term benefits/solutions.

Alternatively, an automated key control and management system provides a more comprehensive solution. The system is designed to securely store mechanical and/or card keys when they are not in use and to automatically track all access activity. Only pre-authorized users can access a key and then only the key or keys which they are authorized to access. The system automatically records the time, date and identity of the individual accessing the cabinet to take out or return a key. Advanced software enables management to run activity reports, sort activities based on various criteria, view and print reports, etc. thereby offering a more complete solution.

Coming to terms with today’s new business realities means organizations must enact clear and positive measures that solve the entirety of a problem. For key control, key management systems can make that happen.

Tim Purpura
Tim Purpura
VP Global Sales & Marketing

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